Catalog Search Results
Heinrich Zimmer (1890–1943) was a historian of South Asian art. He was the author of Philosophies of India. Joseph Campbell (1904–1987) was the author of many books on comparative mythology, including The Hero with a Thousand Faces and The Masks of God.
A landmark work that demystifies the rich tradition of Indian art, Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization analyzes key motifs found in legend, myth, and folklore taken directly from...
Describes how the "protagonists of folklore and religion enact simultaneously the various phases of their common story" and relates "their timeless symbols to those rediscovered in dream by contemporary depth psychology."
Joseph Campbell presents the composite hero. Apollo, the Frog King of the fairy tale, Wotan, the Buddha, and numerous other protagonists of folklore and religion, enact simultaneously the various phases of their common story. The...
All the writings of Plato generally considered to be authentic are here presented in the only complete one-volume Plato available in English. The editors set out to choose the contents of this collected edition from the work of the best British and American translators of the last 100 years, ranging from Jowett (1871) to scholars of the present day. The volume contains prefatory notes to each dialogue, by Edith Hamilton; an introductory essay on Plato's...
Bollingen volume 36
Ernst Robert Curtius held the chair of romance literature and language at Bonn University from 1929 until his retirement in 1951. Colin Burrow is a fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford. He is the author of Epic Romance: Homer to Milton.
Published just after the Second World War, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages is a sweeping exploration of the remarkable continuity of European literature across time and place, from the...
Erich Neumann (1905–60), a psychologist and philosopher, was born in Berlin and lived in Tel Aviv from 1934 until his death. His books include The Origins and History of Consciousness, The Fear of the Feminine, and Amor and Psyche (all Princeton). Martin Liebscher is senior research fellow in German and honorary senior lecturer in psychology at University College London.
This landmark book explores the Great Mother as a primordial image of the...
"Winner of the 1998 Eugene M. Kayden National University Press Book Prize, University of Colorado at Boulder" Arthur C. Danto (1924–2013) was the Johnsonian Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Columbia University and art critic for The Nation. His books include What Art Is, The Transfiguration of the Commonplace, Embodied Meanings, Beyond the Brillo Box, and Encounter and Reflections, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Prize in Criticism....
Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997) was one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. A Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, he was renowned as an essayist and as the author of many books, among them Karl Marx, Four Essays on Liberty, Russian Thinkers, The Sense of Reality, The Proper Study of Mankind, and from Princeton, Concepts and Categories, Personal Impressions, The Crooked Timber of Humanity, The Roots of Romanticism, The Power of...
10) Eugene Onegin
Vladimir Nabokov (1899–1977) was a Russian-American writer known for his unique blend of erudition and playfulness. His novels in English include Lolita, Pale Fire, and Ada. He also wrote poetry, short stories, translations from Russian, and a memoir, Speak, Memory. Brian Boyd is professor of literature at the University of Auckland. He is the author of Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years and Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years (both Princeton)....
Vendler "examines the ways in which five great modern American poets, writing their final books, try to find a style that does justice to life and death. With traditional religious consolations no longer available to them, these poets must invent new ways to express the crisis of death, as well as the paradoxical coexistence of a declining body and an undiminished consciousness....The solution for one poet will not serve for another; each must invent...
C. G. Jung (1875–1961) was the founder of analytical psychology and one of the great intellectual figures of the twentieth century. Richard Wilhelm (1873–1930) was a sinologist, theologian, and missionary who translated many ancient Chinese works and wrote several books on Chinese philosophy and civilization. His acclaimed German translation of the I Ching from Chinese served as the basis for this Bollingen edition. Hellmut Wilhelm (1905–1990)...
Jung Extracts volume Jung Seminars
Sonu Shamdasani is a historian of psychology at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London. He is the editor of Theodore Flournoy's From India to the Planet Mars: A Case of Multiple Personality with Imaginary Languages (Princeton), of Michael Fordham's Analyst-Patient Interaction, and, with Michael Munchow, Speculations after Freud: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, Culture.
"Kundalini yoga presented Jung with a model of something that...
An authoritative collection of Jung's writings on contemporary events, including The Undiscovered Self and Flying Saucers
Civilization in Transition features Jung's writings on contemporary events, especially the relation between the individual and society. In the earliest essay, "The Role of the Unconscious" (1918), Jung advanced the theory that World War I was a psychological crisis originating in the collective unconscious of individuals. In other...
The authoritative edition of early psychiatric studies by Jung, which foreshadow much of his later work
Psychiatric Studies gathers writings on descriptive and experimental psychiatry that Jung published between 1902 and 1905, early in his career as a psychiatrist. The book opens with a study that foreshadows much of his later work and is indispensable to all serious students of his psychiatric career. This is his medical-degree dissertation, "On...
The authoritative edition of sixteen of Jung's studies on the psychology of religious phenomena, including Aion and Psychology and Alchemy
This volume collects Jung's shorter writings on religion and psychology, including several that are of major importance, as well as two full-length works on the subject, Aion and Psychology and Alchemy. Together, these writings present Jung's significant statement on a vital theme.
The shorter pieces on Western...
Nine essays, written between 1922 and 1941, on Paracelsus, Freud, Picasso, the sinologist Richard Wilhelm, Joyce's Ulysses, artistic creativity generally, and the source of artistic creativity in archetypal structures. "[These essays] reveal the breadth of the great psychiatrist's interests and the rigorous originality with which he attacked diverse manifestations of human creativity."
Papers on child psychology, education, and individuation, underlining the overwhelming importance of parents and teachers in the genesis of the intellectual, feeling, and emotional disorders of childhood. The final paper deals with marriage as an aid or obstacle to self-realization. "The papers included in this volume present an enlightening view of Jung himself and his many-faceted outlook on life."
The authoritative edition of Jung's miscellaneous collected writings
The Symbolic Life gathers some 160 of Jung's writings that span sixty years and reflect his inquiring mind, numerous interests, and wide circle of professional and personal acquaintance. These writings include three longer works, "The Symbolic Life," "Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams," and "The Tavistock Lectures"; a number of previously overlooked reviews, reports, and...
An authoritative bibliography of Jung's works in German and English
A record of all of Jung' s publications in German and in English, this volume replaces the general bibliography published in 1979 as Volume 19 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung. In the form of a checklist, this revised general bibliography records through 1990 the initial publication of each original work by Jung, each translation into English, and all significant new editions,...